21 November 2012

Double-Income In Profit Shift

2 Million members in worldwide continue to await the arrival of Profit Shift feature, a "GOLDEN KEY" It’s makes this business will continue to exist from time to time!

Profit Shift feature is the new name of the security features of Profitclicking,
In the past in Justbeenpaid name RSF (Restart Feature)

Throughout history from 1997 - now! , Not one program that provides high daily profit that can last for many - years, the average online business 3,6,9 months old only, a maximum of 1 year!

Online business that offers high daily profit. And do not have the best system, 98% ended with the word SC * M!

Profitclicking itself is not an investment program as most programs,
Profitclicking is an advertising-based revenue sharing program, revenue sharing is a sharing system, where profits and losses are shared - the same!

Differences sharing system Conventional Business & Profitclicking:
1. Conventional Business
Businesses left running during the first 3 months, the new calculated amount of expenditure and intake then calculated profit or loss, if the two sides have been divided between the managers and owners of capital either profit / loss!

2. Profitclicking
PC system has a very unique and different from any revenue sharing business concept, so in Profitclicking each member is given beforehand FIX profit of 150%, after running new businesses made profits shift feature every 3-6 months, which was moved to the position of AD packages to PC panel with a high percentage of differents.

So NOT ALL members get 150%
Why..?, because each members has already join in different times.
because of the time the action was differents!

1. Determined the percentage of profit and loss for 3 months
2. With the profit shift no word losses, because only in ad packages reposition to the panel pc or move most  quickly to income later
3. The key to success in a PC is "TIMING ACTION"
4. The best time for action was the announcement Off Cut or After Profit Shift , because it can be very up to 150% or more for the repurchase
5. So a single fighter without a referral can get maximum results, always check updates from Origin PC, and the action at the right time

Well, so what are you waiting ..., join free together We're here now!

1 comment:

  1. Peter Tallinn : Thanks for yours comment. I thinks,it's very interesting to go to your's website. I'll be there soon.


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